![]() Changing Minds, Not the Climate: UNESCO celebrates Water and Climate Day 2015 at COP21, 2 December 2015Water and Climate Day at COP21 convened representatives of UNESCO’s Water Family from the International Hydrological Programme (IHP), World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP), UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, water centres, and water chairs to discuss water and climate related issues and sol... ![]() "Past, present and future of the Water Family: Celebrating 50 years of UNESCO Programmes" 1-3 December 2015Over the past 50 years, UNESCO’s water programmes have evolved from an internationally coordinated hydrological research programme into an encompassing, holistic programme to facilitate education and capacity building, and enhance water resources management and governance. As part of the celebration... ![]() Geo-referenced information system for coastal aquifers in the Mediterranean basin, June 2014UNESCO Chair/INWEB at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, successfully developed a “Geo-referenced information system for coastal aquifers in the Mediterranean basin" under the UNEP/MAP “Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Sea large Marine Ecosystem” (MedPartnership) programme ... ![]() Workshop on “Preparation of the groundwater supplement to the TDA-Med, SAP and ICZM Protocol”, 22-23 February 2012UNESCO-IHP Expert Meeting on “Preparation of the groundwater supplement to the TDA-Med, SAP and ICZM Protocol”, 22-23 February 2012 The workshop focused on the UNESCO-IHP Sub-component 1.1 on “Managing Coastal Aquifer and Groundwater” of the GEF UNEP/MAP “Strategic Partnership for the Mediterran... ![]() Workshop on “Assessment of Risk and Uncertainty related to Coastal Aquifers Management in the Mediterranean”, 20-21 February 2012The workshop focused on the UNESCO-IHP Sub-component 1.1 on “Managing Coastal Aquifer and Groundwater” of the GEF UNEP/MAP “Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (MedPartnership)”. The participation of national representatives from the GEF countries demonstrated the... ![]() IV International Symposium on Transboundary Waters Management, 15-18 Oct 2008This Symposium aimed to assess the state of the art and the progress recently made in the sustainable management of transboundary waters by different disciplines such as law, socio-economics and water science; to review current major international programmes concerned with the assessment and manage... ![]() Workshop on Transboundary Groundwaters in SEE, 23-24 Apr 2007Transboundary Groundwaters in SEE: Assessment and Future Perspectives, 23-24 Apr 2007 With the support of UNESCO IHP and UNECE, this workshop was coordinated by UNESCO Chair INWEB and aimed to review and finalise the assessment of transboundary groundwaters in SEE, and to identify possible follow-u... ![]() SPI Water project: Pinios River Basin Workshop, 22 Oct 2007The workshop focused on the Pinios river basin, Greece, and allowed participants to contribute to the process of fine-tuning the WISE-RTD Web-Portal tool, where all WFD related information and experience needed by water managers, decision-makers, their supporting technical staff and stakeholders wi... ![]() Workshop on Developing Regional Cooperation for Shared Karst Aquifer Management in SEE, 27-28 Jun 2008Workshop on Developing Regional Cooperation for Shared Karst Aquifer Management in SEE, 27-28 Jun 2008
What is the UNESCO Chair INWEB?
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