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INWEB Events:


1 UNESCO water and climate change at COP21, Paris-Le Bourget, France, 2 December 2015
2 UNESCO Water Family Meeting "Past, present and future of the Water Family: Celebrating 50 years of UNESCO Programmes" Paris, France, 1 -3 December 2015
3 13th International Conference «EUROPE-INBO 2015» for the implementation of the European Water Directives, Thessaloniki, Greece, 21 - 24 October 2015
4 2nd UNESCO-IHP meeting on "Management and protection of coastal wetlands, UNESCO-Miollis, Paris, 12-13 June 2014
5 UNECE Workshop on “Counting our gains: Sharing experiences on identifying, assessing and communicating the benefits of transboundary water cooperation”, Geneva, Switzerland, 22 - 23 May 2014
6 International Roundtable on Water and Energy Nexus in transboundary basins in Southeastern Europe (SEE), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 6-8 November 2013.
7 GEF Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme (TWAP) Inception Meeting, Perugia, Italy, 14-15 May 2013
8 2nd UNESCO-IHP Expert Meeting on “Assessment of Risk and Uncertainty related to Coastal Aquifers Management in the Mediterranean”, Antalya, Turkey, 4 – 5 October 2012
9 UNESCO-IHP Expert Meeting on “Preparation of the groundwater supplement to the TDA-Med, SAP and ICZM Protocol”, 22-23 February 2012
10 UNESCO-IHP Expert Meeting on “Assessment of Risk and Uncertainty related to Coastal Aquifers Management in the Mediterranean”, 20-21 February 2012
11 IV International Symposium on Transboundary Waters Management, 15-18 Oct 2008
12 UNESCO IHP – UN ESCWA Consultative Meeting on Shared Aquifers Database for the MEDA region: Content, Use and Maintenance, 26-27 Nov 2007
13 SPI Water project: Pinios River Basin Workshop, 22 Oct 2007
14 Transboundary Groundwaters in SEE: Assessment and Future Perspectives, 23-24 Apr 2007
15 UNESCO 60 Years Contribution to Education, Science and Culture, 19 May 2006
16 Bridging the Gap between Scientists and River Basin Organisations, 30 May-4 Jun 2005
17 Environmental Security in Harbours and Coastal Areas: Management using Comparative Risk Assessment and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Framework, 20-23 Apr 2005