You are here: HomeNews → UNESCO IHP experts meeting for the "Preparation of the groundwater supplements to the TDA-Med, SAP and ICZM Protocol," Feb 2012
UNESCO IHP experts meeting for the "Preparation of the groundwater supplements to the TDA-Med, SAP and ICZM Protocol," Feb 2012 PDF Print E-mail

UNESCO Chair INWEB at the Aristotle University Thessaloniki will be hosting a UNESCO-IHP Experts Meeting for the “Preparation of the groundwater supplements to the TDA-Med, SAP and ICZM Protocol” to be held on 22-23 February 2012. This meeting has been organized by UNESCO-IHP within the framework of the sub-component 1.1 on “Management of Coastal Aquifers and Groundwater” of the GEF UNEP/MAP MedPartnership.

A small group of high level experts will attend and conceptualize the groundwater supplements to the existing formal documents under the framework of the Barcelona Convention and the related Protocols. Discussions will focus on the structure, scope and content of this package of “supplements” that will be developed during 2012-2013 for final approval and hopefully endorsement by the participating countries in early 2014. This package will be the result of an effort to synthesize all the scientific/technical/legal/policy recommendations, the results of 7 demonstration pilots, and the national and regional reports produced under the 4 main activities of UNESCO-IHP’s sub-component. Efforts will also be made to link up with other GEF initiatives, both global and regional (DIKTAS, IW:LEARN, TWAP, etc.).


The MedPartnership